Episode 27

27: Transforming Your Inner Story: Exploring the Yothera Method with Jessica Maitri

Published on: 7th October, 2024

In this episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of the subconscious mind with Jessica Maitri, creator of the Yothera Method. Jessica’s unique 3-phase modality helps professionals guide themselves and their clients through a profound healing process.

Jessica explains the three phases of transformation:

  1. The Mind – Getting clear on the old story that holds us back. This phase involves uncovering limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve us.
  2. Rewriting the Old Story – Using yoga and focused mindfulness practices to release and reframe the old narrative, this phase empowers us to consciously create new beliefs.
  3. Witnessing the New Story – Learning how to live and embody the new story, while being a compassionate witness to the transformation.

Join us as Jessica shares how professionals can incorporate this powerful method into their practices, not only transforming their own lives but also helping their clients achieve deeper healing.

Tune in to explore how you can rewrite your story and become a witness to the changes you seek!






Instagram: @yothera_method





00;00;07;24 - 00;00;39;24


Hello and welcome to Cherie Lindberg's Elevated Life Academy. Stories of hope and healing. Through raw and heartfelt conversations, we uncover the powerful tools and strategies these individuals use to not only heal themselves, but also inspired those around them. Join us on this incredible journey as we discover the human spirit's remarkable capacity to heal, find hope in the darkest of moments, and ultimately live an elevated life.

00;00;39;26 - 00;01;08;28

Cherie Lindberg

Hello everyone, this is Cherie Lindberg with another episode of Elevated Life Academy. Thank you for joining us. And today we have our guest, Jessica maitri. And just before we got on here, I was telling her I really like to have spontaneous conversations. So I'm excited to see what we're going to talk about today. But first, I'd really like you, Jessica, to introduce yourself and tell our listeners what it is you do for a living.

00;01;08;28 - 00;01;11;09

Cherie Lindberg

And yeah, let's go from there.

00;01;11;11 - 00;01;40;03

Jessica Maitri

Okay, great. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. So I have been in private practice. I'm in LCA for 15 years ish, and the last seven years I've transitioned into more of the holistic realm. So I'm also a yoga therapist, breathwork practitioner now, obviously certified brain supporting practitioner and intuitive as well. So I like to work more with the subconscious mind and the body and and so now what I do, I, I train people in my own modality called the you have there a method.

00;01;40;03 - 00;01;44;25

Jessica Maitri

And I also do intuitive mentorship for professionals and groups.

00;01;44;27 - 00;01;46;29

Cherie Lindberg

Great. Can you tell us a little bit.

00;01;46;29 - 00;01;48;05

Jessica Maitri

More about your Sarah?

00;01;48;06 - 00;01;56;19

Cherie Lindberg

Because I know that's how we kind of got to know each other because you're on the Elevated Life Academy. So could you tell us a little bit about what that is?

00;01;56;22 - 00;02;24;12

Jessica Maitri

t cohort was taken through in:

00;02;24;14 - 00;02;46;02

Jessica Maitri

And once they're clear and the old story, then we move into phase two, which is rewriting that old story into a new story through the body, through yoga, yoga therapy practices, through breathwork. Now some focus, mindfulness, things like that. And then also moving into phase three is all about being witnessed in your new story. So within like a safe community in a container.

00;02;46;03 - 00;02;51;23

Jessica Maitri

So it's it's teaching professionals how to go through it on their own first and then also how to take their clients.

00;02;51;23 - 00;03;01;26

Cherie Lindberg

Through air on their soul. So let's talk a little bit about your journey. Share whatever you're comfortable sharing. Like how did you get to where you're at today?

00;03;01;28 - 00;03;03;02

Jessica Maitri

It just in general.

00;03;03;08 - 00;03;06;29

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. That's in general. Yes. Whatever you whatever highlights.

00;03;06;29 - 00;03;08;06

Jessica Maitri

You think would be.

00;03;08;08 - 00;03;10;01

Cherie Lindberg

Okay for us to hear about. Yeah.

00;03;10;03 - 00;03;30;21

Jessica Maitri

When I grew up in, as a mormon in the Mormon religion. And so part of my journey and part of what makes me who I am today is I was in an arranged marriage, actually, when I was 19 and leaving the church at 25. And I say this because I, you know, I think it resonates with a lot of people who feel a little bit alone in the world.

00;03;30;21 - 00;03;53;29

Jessica Maitri

So I, you know, I left that and lost everything, lost my marriage, lost my family, lost everything. I had to start over. And that's also when my private practice started picking up. And so I really just kind of spearheaded my life and how we come from dogmatic religion to, you know, atheism to agnostic to now what I consider spirituality and intuition, self-guided lifestyle.

00;03;54;01 - 00;04;17;09

Cherie Lindberg

I didn't know that that was your back story, but may I ask some some questions? Yeah. And whether you're comfortable sharing, you know, for a 25 year old young woman, how did you have the bravery, knowing that if you left that you would be losing your family, you'd be losing everything? Like, how did you have the bravery to be able to do that?

00;04;17;11 - 00;04;38;29

Jessica Maitri

Oh my God, I feel goosebumps everywhere. The and everyone that asked me that. And the answer that is the most truthful is I don't feel like I had a choice. It just my soul was like, you have to do this. And I felt my ancestors pick me up and carry me somewhere else. And I know that I'd feel that happening now again, like there again.

00;04;38;29 - 00;04;48;05

Jessica Maitri

It was like I saw you can't unsee things like, you know. Right. And so I saw what I saw. And that means that there's choices, accountability with that.

00;04;48;07 - 00;05;12;22

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. Beautiful. I mean, I just want to honor that in you and say that, you know, there's a lot of healers that come on here. And we seem to have something in common in terms of, you know, we're the ones that see things. We're the ones that are aware of things, that we come into this earth and we see it, and our rest of our family doesn't see it for whatever reason.

00;05;12;24 - 00;05;48;12

Cherie Lindberg

And many of us choose the spiritual path. We choose it knowing full well that there will be loss, but that it's a soul yearning and longing that is compelling us to do it. So I, I can totally resonate, you know, with what you're saying and the other pieces that you're saying, it's happening again, because, you know, my colleagues and I talk about it often about how it's like these levels or something like that, like you're going through these different levels, and energy can get pretty chaotic when you're and it's like, oh, when it gets there, it's like there's a knowing.

00;05;48;12 - 00;05;56;17

Cherie Lindberg

Now finally it used to be terror. Now there's and knowing, oh, we're going through another level, whatever this is going to be.

00;05;56;19 - 00;06;00;14

Jessica Maitri

Yes. Yeah. Thank goodness for that perspective.

00;06;00;17 - 00;06;19;27

Cherie Lindberg

Well yeah I mean the first time it happened to me I was like, what in the hell is going on here? And I felt like my whole world was falling apart and it was traumatic. And then the second time it happened and I was like, oh, I got to learn not to have any attachments because some things will come and some things will go.

00;06;19;27 - 00;06;33;00

Cherie Lindberg

And as I continue to evolve, part of evolving is shedding what no longer serves you. So once I got that, I got more comfortable with the journey. But it's like, I wish somebody would have told me.

00;06;33;02 - 00;06;41;07

Jessica Maitri

I don't know exactly. Yeah. And then there's that alone piece that comes up a lot, like I'm Alone in the world or that whole archetype.

00;06;41;10 - 00;07;22;06

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. Which I know is not true at all, because, like, folks like yourself, like, we can have this discussion right now and know now I know, and I'm more confident about searching out other people that I know would get this. And we can had these really beautiful discussions about it. So tell me one thing in this journey for you that has been you know, I, I mean, I imagine one of the biggest challenges was letting go of what you knew like of to keep going but share any challenges because I just find that folks that see successful women, successful people, they just think it was easy peasy, you know, getting there.

00;07;22;06 - 00;07;28;14

Cherie Lindberg

And so I'm always asking the question like, what were some challenges you have faced on this path?

00;07;28;17 - 00;07;39;21

Jessica Maitri

Well, my God, thank you for asking this. Probably the biggest challenge has been like when you when your soul knows that you have you go first a lot. You are compelled to because that's what you're here to do.

00;07;39;28 - 00;07;40;18

Cherie Lindberg


00;07;40;20 - 00;07;53;15

Jessica Maitri

People that makes people uncomfortable. And I've found a lot of people don't want you to rise. And I don't like seeing that shadow aspect of humanity. But yeah, a lot of people don't like it when you're in your power.

00;07;53;18 - 00;07;54;05

Cherie Lindberg


00;07;54;07 - 00;08;11;13

Jessica Maitri

And especially when you're collaborating or merging with other people in their power. So there's like a division energy at times of like, you guys can't, you can't. How dare you kind of a thing. And it's been hard because that forces about sense of like, am I always alone on the tip of the spear?

00;08;11;15 - 00;08;17;21

Cherie Lindberg

How do you resolve the conflict? What are some of the ways that you've been able to resolve that? Or are you still learning?

00;08;17;23 - 00;08;30;15

Jessica Maitri

I'm still learning always honestly finding like feeling into who gets it and who I can really like, knowing who I can count on in the circle has gotten a lot smaller over the years. That's and then just.

00;08;30;17 - 00;09;01;17

Cherie Lindberg

Being okay with that. Yeah, I mean, I'll just say at times like, I really believe like we can all rise together. I mentor that I talk a lot about that. And I'd be lying if I didn't say, you know, I've come across folks where my natural instincts fear can arise because, you know, we are human first and the fear of survival, like, if something is going to get taken away or we are we're worried about that or something like that gets triggered.

00;09;01;20 - 00;09;25;15

Cherie Lindberg

And then I have to intentionally say, none of this is mine. We got to let go of all of these attachments and stay focused on who we are and our own integrity, and let the chips fall where they where they may. And then with some people I can have that discussion with, but often I'm mentoring folks on how to do that while I'm trying to learn how to do it myself.

00;09;25;17 - 00;09;26;15

Jessica Maitri


00;09;26;17 - 00;09;28;28

Cherie Lindberg

It can be a little wobbly.

00;09;29;01 - 00;09;30;14

Jessica Maitri

Is we're creating it as we go.

00;09;30;20 - 00;09;57;09

Cherie Lindberg

Exactly. Yeah. So share with me any stories like this podcast that's called Elevated Life Academy Stories of Hope and Healing. So in your journey and working with folks and teaching what you're teaching, any stories coming to mind that you would like to share? You know, without identifying information about things that you witnessed with doing the work that you've done with folks?

00;09;57;11 - 00;10;25;10

Jessica Maitri

I forgot exactly the quote, but what's coming to mind is, you know, our greatest traumas or, you know, is actually our greatest gift in the world. And so one of the things I've noticed in other people is that they're drawn to me because they are are also feeling alone, you know, other there's something about our profession like we just kind of I there's an isolation factor or something, but one thing that I've noticed is people that I work with, which is usually other professionals, are like, is it just me?

00;10;25;10 - 00;10;38;13

Jessica Maitri

Like, do I all of these, you know, intuitive gifts that are coming online and they think they're crazy and they're so relieved, or even in the groups that I lead, they're like, oh my God, you feel that too? And oh, that's happened to me. And that alone keeps me going.

00;10;38;16 - 00;10;50;20

Cherie Lindberg

Can you talk a little bit about absolutely, using your intuition, how you approach that? I'll share why here after I want to hear what your thoughts are around that.

00;10;50;23 - 00;11;12;17

Jessica Maitri

Yeah, I, I ethically I always very much make it known that I am helping them tune into their intuition. I'm not necessarily giving them answers, although oftentimes really like you too. They want you to, you know, the way. Yeah, we might go a little pleading, right? I tell me where I'm going. And it's like, actually, we're going to let your body tell you out.

00;11;12;19 - 00;11;36;05

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. So you're teaching them how to cultivate their intuition. And the reason I'm asking that is I unfortunately have had to work with therapists that have come to me where they've gone to somebody who said that they were an intuition gets a really bad rap, you know, gets a really bad rap for like woo woo, new agey, you know, that kind of stuff.

00;11;36;08 - 00;12;04;04

Cherie Lindberg

And it's one of the reasons why I teach the brain spotting, spirituality, intuition, because it's like, I'm going to tell you it, I'm going to show you how it's scientific. It's woo woo, right. It's in your brain and it's in your body. And it sounds like you do some of that work as well. But many, many stories of therapists coming to me and either clients coming to me saying they went to somebody who was intuitive and they told them like, this is your problem.

00;12;04;04 - 00;12;24;07

Cherie Lindberg

This is your your gift. And, you know, and and it's really hard where I have to be the one to burst the bubble and say, there's no way for you to know there's no way for me to know. There's no way for anyone of us to know. And so I always approach it that way as well, is that go inside and listen in there.

00;12;24;07 - 00;12;38;16

Cherie Lindberg

That's where your information is. I might share this is what I'm noticing. But you get to decide whether or not it's a fit or whether or not it resonates with you or so forth. So thoughts about what I'm saying or sharing.

00;12;38;19 - 00;12;53;00

Jessica Maitri

Yeah. I mean, that's the whole premise of the Earth. Our method is like you as a practitioner are teaching them to go in first and get their information and then teaching clients. I mean, that's the ultimate empowerment, but needing not externalizing your power.

00;12;53;02 - 00;13;19;15

Cherie Lindberg

Right? Right. Yeah. And I think was it Marianne Williamson? I'm bad at quotes myself. So but she said it's not it's our power that we're scared of. Yeah. Powerful. We truly are. And I notice that over and over again, I have to say to people, you know, because they're like, oh my God, you're like, you did this. And I'm like, no, I did not.

00;13;19;15 - 00;13;37;26

Cherie Lindberg

You did that. Go inside and own it. Take it inside yourself. And how powerful that is. We all had that wisdom and internal wisdom inside of ourselves. So where do you see yourself five years from now? What are you hopeful for? For your future?

00;13;37;28 - 00;13;57;15

Jessica Maitri

Well, I'm I'm hopeful to be more connected to people that are real, authentic connections like yourself, like a brain, spine and community. I am excited about the author, about that. I'm kind of letting it's an entity outside of me, you know, I'm mothering it. So I'm like, hey, show me what you want. You know, show me what you want to become.

00;13;57;15 - 00;14;04;16

Jessica Maitri

And I yeah, on a personal level, I'm excited to maybe be in partnership at some point. That feels resonant.

00;14;04;19 - 00;14;27;16

Cherie Lindberg

Wonderful. I'd love to hear about what you learned in grad school, how people heal. And I talk about this almost like every single time lately. And what you find really works in the counseling office. Yes, because I want to hear what you have to say about that.

00;14;27;18 - 00;14;51;15

Jessica Maitri

Oh, grad school for me was in:

00;14;51;18 - 00;15;02;29

Jessica Maitri

Yeah, but then I think that's where intuition started, really. It was like intuitively, what does this person need? And then I that's why all these other trainings, I think that's why people seek out so many additional trainings after grad school.

00;15;02;29 - 00;15;28;01

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah, we've had quite a few discussions on how our, the system that we find ourselves in and a lot of us are trying to escape and have gone into coaching or other areas because it's so stifling about theory and research. And, you know, not to say that it's not good, you know, to look at, make sure what we're doing is helping.

00;15;28;03 - 00;15;54;00

Cherie Lindberg

But I like to say I have a practice based on evidence, and the evidence is from my clients. They're telling me their lives are changing. They're telling me that they're healing. And you can see their behavior changing and it's sustainable. That's the most research I need. Yes. However, our system, there's a disconnect between what we learned and what really helps people heal.

00;15;54;03 - 00;16;07;10

Jessica Maitri

And evidence based, I think I don't know exactly how many now. I think there's only 7 or 8 theories that are technically evidence based, and there's a lot of money that goes into making something evidence base to get something. Evidence base is a hard thing to do.

00;16;07;12 - 00;16;34;04

Cherie Lindberg

Yes it is. There's a whole rack or C that you have to go through to make that happen. And so it is one of the critiques of brain spawning. But I just say to folks come and have an experience with me. And then you decide. And I had not to this day had one person decide that it wasn't impactful or help them shift or help them go in a direction that towards their own healing.

00;16;34;07 - 00;17;05;02

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. So the bottom up therapy is, you know, eMDR, somatic experience, especially around trauma. And I'm talking more the trauma because these therapies get deeper into the brain and get to that development that went awry. Regarding where did it lead you. You started as an Alex W and then, you know, was it you know, theorize something of your own creation based on everything that you brought together?

00;17;05;05 - 00;17;27;11

Jessica Maitri


00;17;27;11 - 00;17;32;22

Jessica Maitri

d then the breathwork came in:

00;17;32;28 - 00;17;45;18

Cherie Lindberg

So with all of that in that journey, what are some losses? Anything that you're comfortable sharing that you had to incur to keep going on this path for yourself?

00;17;45;20 - 00;18;08;04

Jessica Maitri

You know, my one of my biggest, you know, wounds slash lessons is I have found that partnership in general, not just romantic but like business and things like that. I have to be very picky and very aligned for it to be in resonance with where I'm going. And that's when a lot of loss, because I want connection. It's like I crave to not be alone in the world.

00;18;08;04 - 00;18;18;02

Jessica Maitri

And I have found that if I don't stay sovereign and really anchor into my power, I can so easily be swayed by the wrong partner.

00;18;18;04 - 00;18;33;22

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah, well, that's good for you to know that you're aware. And maybe. And this might be hard just about maybe you're not meant to. Yeah, maybe you are meant to be a leader and soul, all right. Which is hard because it's like you want the partnership, but.

00;18;33;24 - 00;18;37;03

Jessica Maitri

Or the business. So I've had to say no to more of that, you know.

00;18;37;03 - 00;18;59;29

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. And I have to and there's been losses around that and it needed to happen. One of the skills that I've learned that I teach is how to have safe conversations and dialog. And so when I get into a partnership now, we agree to use the dialog to talk about and I and I mentor people, business people like yourself, before they get into a partnership.

00;18;59;29 - 00;19;19;20

Cherie Lindberg

I'm like, let's talk about the divorce before you get married. Like what's going to happen if you disagree? What's going to happen if you're going in different directions? And I had those conversations myself with anybody that I partner up with because I can kind of see ahead what might happen. And I think those conversations are important to have.

00;19;19;22 - 00;19;20;09

Jessica Maitri

I agree.

00;19;20;13 - 00;19;31;17

Cherie Lindberg

So is there anything that I haven't asked you that you would like to share about your story or folks that you've worked with that you would like our listeners to know about?

00;19;31;19 - 00;19;46;13

Jessica Maitri

I'm very excited to connect with more people like myself that are, you know, craving this. So if you resonate, you know, I'd love to connect with you, even if it's just an email I get, you know, I've got the phase one coming up that you're co-sponsoring. I'm excited for that in October.

00;19;46;15 - 00;20;01;22

Cherie Lindberg

What would you say in terms of people that come to you that are authentic? They think they're authentic, and then you meet them and you see there's ego stuff going on. How do you handle that?

00;20;01;24 - 00;20;13;00

Jessica Maitri

That's a great question. Well, I take note of it and I love it. And I feel that that and faster than I used to because I used to have a people pleaser that be like, oh, I don't want to upset them. And then when I put it.

00;20;13;02 - 00;20;14;20

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah, you're catching it.

00;20;14;20 - 00;20;16;19

Jessica Maitri

Better. Yeah, I'm catching it better.

00;20;16;21 - 00;20;38;29

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. No, the reason I ask these are all questions I all these things that I went through being a business owner for this many years and teaching other people and mentoring other people. And so I just wanted to I appreciate your authenticity. And you're willing to answer because I'm sure people listening, you know, other therapists that are business owners and so forth, they want to know, how do you guys do it, you know?

00;20;38;29 - 00;21;00;08

Cherie Lindberg

So that's why I wanted to ask that those questions. So, yeah, if you're listening and you really desire to be around somebody that's really authentic and you're on a spiritual path, this is where Jessica and I are kind of aligned. We're building conscious communities. That's what we're trying to do. And I really believe that we can all rise together.

00;21;00;08 - 00;21;19;17

Cherie Lindberg

I mean, that's part of what elevated life is all about. That's what this podcast is. I'm trying to get the word out. We can safely do this. You know, you have to build some skills. Some of us don't know how to do it safely. We don't know how to do conflict safely. So all of that is about talking about how do we how do we do it safely?

00;21;19;17 - 00;21;43;19

Cherie Lindberg

How do we stay authentic within ourselves? Don't take it personally when somebody else is like, no, that's not for me. You know, those kinds of things. And it sounds like that's what you're learning how to do to always learning. Yeah, yeah. Well, Jessica, I want to say thank you so much for coming on, and we'll make sure that we have all your contact information and information connected to.

00;21;43;19 - 00;21;54;08

Cherie Lindberg

We'll have this aired before you had your October training. So I had that connected to your October training. So hopefully people will be able to make all those connections if they're interested in taking your training.

00;21;54;11 - 00;21;55;21

Jessica Maitri

Well thank you.

00;21;55;24 - 00;22;27;24

Cherie Lindberg

Yeah. You're welcome. Thanks for being here. I hope you enjoyed our episode today with Jessica Maitri and her author method. I really found myself really thinking about how often we hold on to these old stories. It's one of the things that brain spanning works on with folks. And we tell these these stories to ourselves for years. Stories are about who we are, what we're capable of, why things are the way they are.

00;22;27;24 - 00;22;57;25

Cherie Lindberg

But Jessica's method reminds us that we don't have to be stuck in those narratives for or ever. We can rewrite them. And her three phase method was very interesting. The first one is to work on the mind. The second one is to work on the story, and the final phase is being a witness to the new story. That idea of stepping back and actually seeing the shift we've created without judgment and just with compassion and grace for ourselves.

00;22;57;27 - 00;23;21;12

Cherie Lindberg

I feel like we don't do that enough as human beings. Sometimes we're so focused on pushing forward that we don't stop to see how far we have come. We don't give ourselves enough credit. It's always moving on to the next thing we have to fix. So I want to invite you to reflect on this with me. What is the old story you've been holding onto and what would it be like if you gave yourself permission to rewrite it?

00;23;21;14 - 00;23;46;24

Cherie Lindberg

Take a moment to visualize that new story and then just witness it. Witness the new you that's waiting to emerge. Thank you for listening and reflecting with me, and I hope this inspires something meaningful within you, as it did in me. Until next time, keep exploring and rewriting your own story and please share the episode with anyone you think it can move.

00;23;46;27 - 00;23;50;25

Cherie Lindberg

Thank you so much!

00;23;50;28 - 00;24;09;25


Thank you for joining us on another uplifting journey on Cherie Lindberg's Elevated Life Academy. Stories of Hope and healing. If you found resonance or connection with what you've heard today, we encourage you to share this episode and consider becoming a subscriber. Please spread the word so others can live an elevated life.

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Elevated Life Academy
Stories of Hope and Healing
Welcome to Elevated Life: Stories of Hope and Healing with your host, Cherie Lindberg. Join us on a transformative journey, as Cherie engages in provoking conversations with leaders of the diverse realms of therapy and mental healing.

Embark on a quest to understand the intricate tapestry of the human mind as we uncover the power of therapeutic modalities, new healing methods, and the intersection of psychology and spirituality. "Elevated Life: Stories of Hope and Healing" is not just a podcast; it's your compass on a journey to well-being, self-discovery, and societal harmony.

Subscribe now to join Cherie Lindberg and her esteemed guests as they share insights, stories, and practical tips that illuminate the path to mental and emotional wellness. Whether you're a seasoned therapist, someone curious about mental health, or simply seeking inspiration for your own healing journey, this podcast is your guide to unlocking the potential within and fostering a more compassionate world. Tune in on Spotify, Audible, Apple Podcasts, and all major podcast platforms – because healing begins with understanding.